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Red flags and warning signs of an abuser include but are not limited to:

Does your partner…

  1. Constantly ridicule or insult you?

  2. Become extremely jealous?

  3. Undermine your sense of power or confidence?

  4. Keep you financially dependent?

  5. Make you account for every minute you are not together?

  6. Manipulate you with lies, contradictions, or promises?

  7. Prevent you from seeing your friends and family?

  8. Get angry when you disagree?

  9. Make you ask for permission before you go out, get a job, or go to school?

  10. Abuse your pet to frighten you?

  11. Destroy your property?

  12. Restrain you?

  13. Throw objects at you?

  14. Threaten you with weapons or objects?

  15. Threaten to hurt your children?

  16. Hit, slap, punch, shove, kick, or otherwise physically abuse you?

  17. Force you into unwanted sexual situations

  18. Sabotage of birth control methods or refusal to honor agreed-upon methods

  19. Blaming you for anything bad that happens

  20. Controls all the finances

  21. Accusations of you flirting with others or having an affair

  22. Control of what you wear and how you can act or talk or where you can look

  23. Demeans you either privately or publicly

  24. Harasses you at work


24 HOUR HOTLINE- 562-237-7704

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